
Moving on from the warm adventures, it’s finally time to tell you all about my adventure in New York City – a very big contrast in terms of weather.

In 2014, I visited New York with my mum and we did all the generic tourist-y things – Central Park, Rockefeller, a broadway show (Wicked!). This time, Jamie came with me and my family and we decided to do the less tourist-y things as Jamie had also done these before. It was my birthday during the time we were away and so this made the trip even more exciting – and I had pink hair! We decided that the one thing we really wanted to do whilst we were there was see an NBA game and so we booked tickets to see the Indiana Pacers vs the Brooklyn Nets. I got to have a massive American style hotdog, so my night had been made. We took the underground and spent the day in Brooklyn before the game, taking epic pictures and just generally exploring, it was nice to get out of the busy borough of Manhattan.



The following day, we visited the Natural History Museum – despite both of us having already been. We paid for one of the special exhibitions all about the five senses and this was so much fun learning things I didn’t know about them.

I realise that a lot of our time in New York was spent eating Ben and Jerry’s, Chipotle and Swedish Fish (the best sweets ever made). Honestly though, I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday. We took my little sister ice skating in Bryant Park. When I say ‘we’ I really mean Jamie took her and I sat at the side and watched quite happily. I got cookie dough after so I was perfectly content.

The best parts of this trip were spent wandering around the park and in the quieter areas of New York City with Jamie. I always feel everything is much calmer and happier when you are in a different country with the people you love.




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